perm filename FONT.UPD[S,DOC]2 blob sn#317426 filedate 1977-11-14 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002				FIND-A-FONT UPDATE	by LES
C00007 ENDMK

ARM	The Stanford Arm in action with and without frames (letters A-D and a-d).
BAXB16	Baskerville Bold, 16 high, full SAIL set.
BAXB22	 "	     "    22  "	    "    "    "
BAXI16	 "	    Ital. 16  "	    "    "    "
BAXI22	 "	     "    22  "	    "    "    "
BAXI35	 "	     "    35  "	    "    "    "
BAXL16	 "	    Light 16  "	    "    "    "
BAXL22	 "	     "    22  "	    "    "    "
BAXL35	 "	     "    35  "	    "    "    "
BAXL40	 "	     "    40  "	    "    "    "
BDJ22	Bodoni Mathematical, 22 high, full SAIL set, a bit ragged.
BDJ28	 "	"	     28  "     "    "    " .
BGN25	Mirror image of NGB25 (who would want a thing like that?)
BKG48   For printing backgammon boards.
BLIVIT	"B" prints a blivit.
CHS30	Chess pieces, 30 high.
CHS50	 "     "      50  "
CNTD30  Countdown font, 30 high, letters only, just as ugly as ever.
CNTD50   "	   "    50  "     "       "     "   "   "   "   "
DRAGON	Has a large griffon (d) and a huge dragon (D).
ESCH40	Escher font, 40 high, letters only.
ESCH80	 "      "    80  "     "       "
GACS25  Now the default XGP font--same as GACB25 with slashed "0" and different `'.
GO	For making Go boards.
HBRM21	Hebrew light face, 37 high, with Yiddish characters.
NGR45L  News Gothic Light, 47 high, full Sail set.
NGR50L	 "    "      "     52  "     "    "    "
NON44   Nonie Light, 44 high, ASCII character set.
NON44B	 "    Bold   "   "     "     "         "
NON44I	 "    Italic "   "     "     "         "
NONH	 "    Light  68  "     "     "         " -- good for making Vugraphs.
RUNE32	Runes, 32 high, full Rune set.
XIF20	Mirror image of FIX20, ridiculous.
ZERO25	Accents, etc. similar to ZERO30 but for 25 high fonts.
ZOO	Another bestiary under letters A-H.

		Black List (fonts to be flushed eventually)

BASB16, BASB22, BASB30, BASI16, BASI22, BASI30, BASL16, BASL22 are small
	Baskerville fonts, complete with losing ligature substitutions.
	Use small BAX series instead.
CAP5X7, CAP7X5 are ridiculously tiny fonts--upright and rotated.
FOOT	Superscripts, digits only.  Not generally useful.
GRGA35	Same as GRFX25 but with Gacham letters--rather silly.
HBRWLT	Essentially the same alphabet as HBRM21 but rearranged.  No need for two.
PLTR8	Another unreadably small rotated font.